Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Blogspot SEO Tips for Bloggers With On-Page SEO Guide 2021

Blogspot SEO Tips for Bloggers With On-Page SEO Guide 2020
Blogger or BlogSpot is one of most popular blogging platforms in the world. That means Blogger is one of best blogging platforms.

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is essential for every blogger's blog Rank on Google. Make your Blogger blog website SEO friendly follow to the Guide.


In this article, I put Blogspot optimization tips that will help you get a head start, even if you’re completely new to blog SEO.

Google the ever-changing algorithms, search engine optimization can be tricky For some techniques for SEO purposes to attract and captivate your audience could seem like two conflicting goals.

You can start your dream users friendly blog BlogSpot today with free of cost. Now. Follow the list in it and see the top guide to rank top fast on Google 2021.

Here are the BEST practices of the Blogspot SEO guide to rank a blogger blog in 2021:
  • Write according to User Intent and search plan
  • Make actionable headline structure message
  • Optimize your blogger post keywords
  • Improve Advance your Blogspot covering speed for SEO
  • The optimization for core web vital SEO
  • Add Image Alt Attributes Before post publish
Do you want your blogger blog to rank higher top in search results and want to increase your website or blogger traffic then optimizing your blog for search engines is very much important. If you want to know how to do SEO for BlogSpot then you landed on the right place.

As I have researched online, i have founded a lot of results related to it but i haven't seen any post with a full guide on blogger BlogSpot this topic.

SEO  is generally divided into two normally On Page and Off Page. On site and off site tips for BlogSpot (Blogger) blogs will help your blog to be indexed.

Blogger SEO Guide 2021 | BlogSpot Off & On Page SEO Tips

What is SEO?

SEO is an actual word for search engine optimization, that is the technique of optimizing the websites to achieve free or paid traffic from it's search result of the search engine.

What Is Blogger (BlogSpot) Website On-Page and Off-page SEO?

Mainly SEO Two Ways of Optimization:

1. On-Page SEO Optimization

On-page offers the possibility of optimizing web pages in terms of improving search engine rankings for a blog and to gain organic traffic. Including posting important, elevated-quality content, on-page SEO means improving the headlines, Code snippets (title, meta, header) and images and many on factors.

On-Page SEO giving good proper content, good keywords selection, putting keywords on correct places, giving manning full title on each page etc. 
Let’s know On-Page SEO Techniques For fast Ranking in 2021.

2. Off-Page SEO Optimization

Off-page SEO operates outside of the website and blog, Off-Page SEO includes link building, increasing link popularity by submitting open directories, search engines, link exchange, social media marketing, guest post etc.

As we all know that Blogger does not have so many features like Wordpress Plugins and there had been competitions between Blogspot and Wordpress but I think both of them are top blogging platforms as Blogger is best for creating a free blog while Wordpress is self-hosted and you need a Web Hosting for using or installing Wordpress. 
You can make your blog more search engine friendly and increase the visibility of your blog.

Advance Technical SEO: 

Technical SEO applies to blog and website optimization techniques that successfully help search engine bots crawl and index the site to help boost organic rankings.Technical factors Fix Broken Links, blog HTTPS, and many more. 

Why SEO Settings In Blogger 2021

Why BlogSpot rank needs to be done?-  SEO Settings Real-Time  on Blogger requires complete on-page and off-page SEO, but BlogSpot does not have enough settings, on page and off page play a significant role in Google ranking. 

On site is an important factor in ranking BlogSpot. you know that BlogSpot is a free platform online .where people can easily open a blog. Anyone who doesn’t know coding can open a blog and open a website blog they went on may share its contents.

However, SEO and Google will quickly show who blogs on their pages and visitors need to know their opinions and comments. And he has to use a lot of SEO techniques to get to his free BlogSpot blog Google Fast Page. in this tutorial follow this steps tips easy to get rank blogger blog on Google top.

Blogspot SEO Guide 2021 With Step By Step Tutorial

I have compiled over some variables into a list of the essential SEO guidelines for bloggers. Follow these ‘rules’ when blogging.

That doing optimize In Google Blogger 2021 (Practical Tutorial) BlogSpot And SEO Definitive Guide (Including Technique to Rank higher)

1. Optimize Blogger Template

In default blogger templates or third party templates, you have to add a code known as All in one SEO plugin for blogger/Blogspot which will provide your blog a good title, description, keywords, Google, Bing, and Yandex verification code, Facebook, Twitter pages to search engines and it will automatically improve your site ranking. 

Yoast Plugin is the best Plugin for Wordpress, but the Yoast team doesn’t configure it for blogger. Some important Feature that I have included on this code for better SEO your blogger blog.

BlogSpot SEO Tips Checklist To Ranking Google In 2021

This point easily to optimize your blog posts for google search engines friendly.
  1. Show Post Title First In Search Results.
  2. Add Meta Tags in Your Blogger Blog.
  3. Search Engine Optimized Blogger Labels.
  4. SEO Optimize Blogger Comments.
  5. Search Engine Optimized Blogger Archives.
  6. Verify Google, Bing and Alexa by verification code.
  7. Facebook and Twitter Profile Compatible Optimize Post Title Using H2 Tag.
  8. Add an SEO Friendly Robots.txt File.
  9. Allow Bots to crawl your site on daily basis.
  10. Helps you in Getting High USA Traffic.
  11. Convert Title Tags to Dynamic Title Tags.
You can set up this checklist one click your BlogSpot blogger blog

All in One SEO Plugin for Blogger (BlogSpot) [2021]

I will show you how to set it up just follow the steps below.
Step #1. Go to your Blogger dashboard.
Step #2. In the left sidebar click on “Theme”.
Step #3. Now click on Edit HTML to open your template editor.
Step #4. Now Press Ctrl + F and search for <head>
Step #5. Now paste the below mention codes below <head> in your template editor.
Step #6. Click Save button to apply changes.

Copy The Following Code:

<!-- All In One SEO Pack 2021 for Blogspot By:https://bazzhood.blogspot.com/Start -->
 <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
 <title><data:blog.pageName/> - <data:blog.title/></title>
</b:if> <b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>
</b:if> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;archive&quot;'>
<meta content='noindex, nofollow' name='robots'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.title' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='index, follow' name='robots'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageTitle != data:blog.title'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' name='keywords'/> </b:if>
</b:if> <meta content='GOOGLE VERIFICATION CODE' name='google-site-verification'/>
<meta content='BING VERIFICATION CODE' name='msvalidate.01'/>
<meta content='ALEXA VERIFICATION CODE' name='alexaVerifyID'/>
<meta content='YANDEX VERIFICATION CODE' name='yandex-verification'/>
<meta content='global' name='distribution'/>
<meta content='1 days' name='revisit'/>
<meta content='1 days' name='revisit-after'/>
<meta content='document' name='resource-type'/>
<meta content='all' name='audience'/>
<meta content='general' name='rating'/>
<meta content='all' name='robots'/>
<meta content='en-us' name='language'/>
<meta content='USA' name='country'/>
<meta content='Facebook Insight ID here' property='fb:admins'/>
<meta content='@twitter.com/bazzhood' name='twitter:site'/>
<meta content='@bazzhood' name='twitter:creator'/>
<meta content='bazzhood' name='author'/>
<meta content='Youremailhere@gmail.com' name='email'/>
<!-- All In One SEO Pack 2018 for Blogspot By:https://bazzhood.blogspot.com End -->

2. Format Post URLs

The URL of a blog post also known as permalink is also very important for your blog SEO. It can play a vital role in ranking your post in search results as it is also crucial with every part of search engine optimization for BlogSpot.

There are a couple of points that you need to remember while creating or editing your permalink.
1. Do not exceed your post title from 50 characters.
2. Remember not to use this kind of short words in your permalink (The, A, Is, An, etc).

The permalink of your blogger post is created automatically the same as your post title when you publish your post but if you want to change or edit your permalink then you can do it while writing your blog post from the right side of the screen as shown in the image . (How To Create BlogSpot Custom URL SEO Tips picture below)

Recommended Post: How To Enable Free HTTPS (SSL) On Blogger With Custom Domain

3. Meta Tags

Meta Tags are the HTML tags that are provided to search engines for helping them to know the title, description, keywords etc of a URL. These HTML tags will help you in your website ranking on Google. If you have already added All in one SEO plugin for BlogSpot mentioned above then no need to add these because it will make multiple meta tags.

You should also be careful with these tags and must include the main keywords in it as these are very important for search bots to read and understand.

4. Proper Post Titles for Blogger SEO

The title of your post is also crucial if you are doing SEO for Blogger because it plays a major role in search engine optimization. An example of proper post titles are shown in the image below.

How to remove blog name from post titles and optimize your blog titles for to rank higher in search results.

Well let me show you how to remove Blogger homepage title from post title. It is simple just do the following steps and you are all clear.
Step#1. Go to Blogger dashboard > Theme > Edit HTML.
Step#2. Press Ctrl + F and search for the below codes.

Step#3. Replace the above code with the codes given below.
<b:if cond= ‘data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;’>       
You are done! Now you will see only your post title.

5. Proper Headings 

Headings tags are very valuable to do use in your text paragraphs because these headings like H1, H2, and H3 properly organize your blog content so that it is very simple to understand by your website visitors and search engines.

We use H1 tag for our Blog post title and H2 tag for post titles but in some blogger templates, you have to customize these settings because they are not done by default. So to make it right follow my steps below.
Step#1. Go to your Blogger Template Editor.
Step#2.Search for H3 and change it from CSS to HTML all the H3 heading tags to H2. There might be 8 or 9 so change it all.

Google Software Engineer Matt Cuts Has Say About Heading Tags:

6. Control Keyword Density For Blogspot SEO

If you want higher ranking then it is very important for you to care about Keyword Density because using of too many keyword will be considered as keyword stuffing, which will strongly damage your SEO, and not using enough keywords will also not work for you.

You need to be careful about putting keywords in your posts. You should place keywords where they are needed and which should not disturb your readers as well as search engines.

Try to focus on 1 or 2 keywords per posts which will help you focus on achieving your goal. Using of long tail keywords in your posts will be much more grateful as there are users trying and searching for long keyword terms and this way you can build up the right type of website traffic you want.

There are some specific parts where you should include your main keywords and those are Title, Headers, Body and meta description and the URL of your post.
Free Keyword Density Checker Tools In 2021:

1. Smallseotools.com 
8. Thehoth.com

Google software engineer Matt Cutts Has say about, what is the ideal keyword density of a page?

So clear this ideal keyword density of a page.

7. Importance of Labels and Related Posts 

In blogger, categories are known as labels. Basically these are used for organizing your blog content which help the users to read and find a specific post with the help of labels.

Remember while adding labels to your post make sure do not mess up your post with a lot of labels as i have seen in many other BlogSpot blogs using tons of labels thinking these are tags which may affect and damage your blog ranking. Try to keep it simple and easy i will show you with a short example. Suppose you are posting about Firefox then you should create labels for it like Browser and Software's. Don't try to use Firefox browser etc.

Using proper labels in your posts will properly organize the related post widget at the bottom of your every blog post so it will help you generate more page views for your blog.

8. Optimize Images for Blogger SEO. 

A blog post should not only contain text but we should add related images, which can easily explain our posts. Images are not only added to beautify a post but it also plays an important role in search engines if we optimize images properly for image SEO.

To easily optimize blogger images you should use Alt text and Title in every image you upload to your blog post. This will help you drive some extra traffic from image search engines like Google image search.

Below is an example of image properties when you add title and alt text to optimize images in Blogspot.

How to Optimize Images for BlogSpot SEO

If you want to fully optimize your blog images then you have to care about every thing like image title, alt text, image name, image size and the link to the image. All these things can matter and can make a lot of difference to your traffic and SEO.

9. External Nofollow Links

External links are the links present in your blog which are pointing to other domains and when you add a HTML attribute of Nofollow to an external link then it indicates the search engines that not to crawl a specified URL.

Mainly we use the No-follow tag if the website we are pointing to is low quality website or the website is not trusted.

So adding Nofollow attribute to low quality website, affiliate links and advertising banners is much important if you want to improve your website ranking in search engines.

Adding a Nofollow tag is very simple you just need to add rel="nofollow" in the anchor element. You can see the example in the image below.

10. Setup Comment Section Your Blogger Blog

The comment section for blogger blog should be no-followed and try to moderate comments so you should allow comments yourself to show up on your posts.

This is how you can easily protect your blog comments from auto comment robots and other spam.

Try to make it very easy for your visitors to leave comments on your blog posts because people do not want to waste a lot of time by logging in or registering and then leaving a comment.

You should also add your focused keywords in the comment replies which will also help you rank in search engines and make your blog more visible to receive organic traffic.

11. Page Speed Optimization For Blogger Blog
Page speed is one of the most important factors of On-page SEO for BlogSpot. The faster your blog loads the more chances are to rank higher in popular search engines.

If your blog takes more time to load then your visitors will bounce and the bounce rate will increase which will damage your website ranking in search results.

You may check out our post given below to improve blog speed. Recommended Post: How To Speed Up Your Blog and Load It More Faster

Recommended Post: How To Speed Up Your Blog and Load It More Faster

There are several tools that you can use to check your blog speed. I will recommend you use Google Page Speed Insights which can show you the current page load time in mobile and desktop and this will also recommend you what changes you can do to make your blog load faster.

12. Internal Linking for Better SEO 

Internal links are the most important part of On-page SEO because it plays a vital role in ranking your posts for your targeted keywords and there are many more benefits of internal links if you do it correctly.

The first benefit is that visitors stay on your blog for a loading time if you have useful content inside your posts so as long as visitors are viewing your website your bounce rate will become much better than before.

The second benefit from internal links is that you will get higher ranking in search results for your posts that you link inside your content because it will tell search engines, how important and useful is the content of your blog?

13. Breadcrumb (Navigation) On Post

Breadcrumb makes your blog navigation more easy and simple and are also important for every perfect blog.

Because it makes your website in a structured form which helps users to navigate your blog easily and it is properly visible where exactly a user have landed on a website.

It also helps search engines like Google and its very beneficial for your Blogger SEO to have breadcrumb navigation in your blog because it shows Google how your blog is structured.

Creating A Clean And Manageable Template Structure For Blogger

14. Submit Blogger Sitemap

 A sitemap is a kind of guide for search engines to get all the information present and located in a website. If you are doing SEO for Blogger then it is very important for you to create and submit a sitemap for blogger. 

While creating a sitemap for BlogSpot you have to insert a simple code in your Robots.txt file.

What is Robots.txt?

Robots.txt is file with a simple codes that’s tells the search engines about how to index and crawl a website to show up in search results.

So, in this way you get organic traffic from search. And with the help of this you can also restrict the search engine bots not to crawl some URLs like your labels and other pages which are not so important.

15. Custom Robot Header Tags For Blogger SEO

You have to enable the custom robot header tags in blogger because it maximizes the visibility of your BlogSpot blog in search results. It is very simple to enable your custom robot header tags in BlogSpot just follow the steps given below and you are all good.

How to Enable Custom Robot Header Tags?

First of all go to your Blogger Blog Dashboard >> Setting >> Search Preference. There you can see Custom Robot Header Tags under Crawlers and Indexing. Enable it and make changes to it as shown in the image below.

Custom Robot Header Tags

16. Create Custom 404 Page 

You should have a custom 404 page in your blogger blog as it is important because if a user visits a link which have been changed or removed from your blog then they are redirected to your custom 404 page.

A custom 404 page in BlogSpot makes your page more user friendly and provides confidence to users in your blog if they find any broken link in your blog.

So, it is also important to add a custom 404 page to your blogger blog as it will also help your blog in search engine optimization.

17. Create Unique Relevant Contents 

Creating unique content for your blog will be more efficient that’s will rank your blog faster in search results and you will receive more organic traffic.

You may have heard Content is King and if your blog have quality content for your targeted keywords then Google will love to show up your blog for your targeted keywords in their search results.

Suppose your blog has more content and quality than your competitors for some keywords than what do you think who will rank higher in search results?

Of course you! So mainly focus on creating quality content and to make it more unique research for it first because Google is looking for content having Quality, Uniqueness, and Relevance.

18. Avoid Spelling, Grammar and Sentence Mistakes

 You should also avoid such mistakes in spelling, grammar and sentences because having mistaken like this can also damage your SEO.

If you miss spell some words or create wrong sentences so try to create good English content which will be much more better. So you can use grammarly.com

19. Use Google Search Console

 The most powerful tool for blog SEO is Google Search console previously known as Google Webmaster Tools. This tool can manage your blog search functionality and you can improve the appearance of your blog in search engines.

Google Search Console 

why to use Google Search Console for Blogger SEO and why it is important. Google Search Console have the following functions to improve your Blog:

  • Search Appearance: To improve your appearance in search
  • Search Traffic: To check your blog traffic statics
  • Google Index: To index or remove URLs
  • Crawl: To check errors, submit sitemap and test Robots.txt .

20. Make your Blog Mobile Friendly

Mobile friendliness is very valuable to Google as they have updated their algorithms in the past and it is a ranking factor for search engine optimization to make your blogger blog mobile friendly.

If your blog is mobile friendly it will also reduce your bounce rate because non mobile friendly blogs will not look the same as they look in your desktop.

So, you should choose a mobile responsive template for your blog because more than billion users worldwide use Google in their phones for searching and if your site is mobile friendly then you will have the advantage to receive traffic from mobile devices.

21. Build Backlinks for BlogSpot Blog Authority Building

You want to have as many people visit your site as possible. The more visitors you have, the better your chances of making money off your endeavors.

Having a great looking blog is a start, and adding quality content rich in SEO keywords is another step in the right direction.

Of course, these aren’t the only things you can do to help your site rise in the rankings and get the attention of visitors.

Backlinks are one of the best ways to make sure that you have more visitors coming to your site. Quality backlinks can help you rise in the search engine rankings, and they can make it much easier for people who need your blog to find it.

Here are a few ways that you can start building your backlinks. They are easy, cost effective, and they work.

22. Guest Blogging For Blog Authority Building

A great way to let more people know what you are doing with your blog, and to build backlinks at the same time, is to offer to guest blog. You can find other blogs related to your own topic and offer to post an article on their site.

If you are an expert in your field, you could even offer an interview. Within the post, you will be able to add links back to your own site. If the readers of the other blog find your information valuable or intriguing, you can be sure that they will visit your site too.

When you are choosing a site for your guest blogging, it’s a good idea to find those that have a Recent page ranking. If you post on sites that no one visits, it won’t help you endeavors very much!

Also read : How To Submit A Guest Post On Bazzhood Blog?

23. Article Submissions for Posts Traffic

Quite a few bloggers are finding success with article submissions. A number of different article sites, such as eZine, Offer authors a chance to post articles on just about any topic imaginable. Write an article for your niche that relates to your blog and post it on as many article sites as you can. Make sure that you follow the guidelines for the different article sites, as they will often have certain rules when it comes to promotion.

For the majority of them though, you will at least be able to include links at the bottom of the article. It’s a simple way to create backlinks, and it is very effective.

24. Comment on Blogs 

Don’t be a homebody! Visit other people’s blogs. Leave comments on the blogs, and add links back to your site. However, you have to be careful about over promoting, and follow the rules that the blogger has for his or her site.

When you are making comments, only offer well thought out, valuable comments that add to the discussion at hand. Avoid coming across as negative.

25. Outsourcing Your Backlink 

Needs If all of this seems like it’s a lot of work – and it can be – you can consider outsourcing the creation of backlinks.

You can hire writers from oDesk and fiverr that can create content for article submission sites and you can even have them comment on blogs for you, leaving valuable backlinks as they go.

 It can take some time to build backlinks, but it is well worth the effort. The earlier you get started the better.

26. Use Real-time Content Analysis Tools

 The best way to improve YOUR content writing, We’ll give you a preview of what that’s like in this post and explain the other benefits. Check your Blog post real time content analysis with Yoast SEO content analysis tool free yoast.com

27. Use Free Best Responsive Blogger Templates

Along with being highly user-friendly and a Search Engine Optimized platform; Blogspot is great for blogging in any niche due to its high security and quality standards. All SEO Optimized Blogger Templates which are purely optimized for latest SEO techniques.

Search Engine Love SEO friendly blogger templates. These templates are built with latest technology Css3 and Html5 tags which is the need of latest SEO techniques. Also these themes show meta author tag, schema tag in SERP result which help to boost site ranking.

SEO Ready Blogger Templates 2021 Free Download 

  1. Ratio magazine style blogger template.
  2. Deco mag responsive magazine template.
  3. Techclue responsive SEO Blogger template.
  4. Spotcommerce blogger shopping template.
  5. SEOReady Blogger Template.
  6. Responsive Optimized Blog Template.

Also read : Best Simple Responsive Free Blogger Templates 2021

28. Optimize For Google’s Featured Snippets 

A featured snippet appears as a section containing the actual answer to your question. This is taken right next to the first search engine results, so that's still called location lets just say that we are searching Search on "what  is SEO" Below is a snippet of a section displaying this search term:

So, you can use my favorite two SEO tools Featured Snippets filter for keywords ideas Ahrefs and SEMrush SEO tool.

29. Keep Your Old Blog Posts Alive

1. RIP Old Post

Your Blog is getting old and popular but the building blocks or your blog (Your Old Posts), which gave you the popularity, traffic and new readers, now buried in the last pages. I am going to share some easy ways by which you can keep them alive.

2. Related Post Widget 

Generally, we write on many posts on similar topics, like if you are writing about gadgets there may be many posts on the gadgets category.

so related post gains based on the category, tags, and content of your post.

If your content matches with any of your older posts then the past shows in the list of related post widget, related post is must for every blog.

It reduces bounce rate plus also keep alive your old blog posts. There are many plugins for the related post but I will recommend the Relate post plugin.

3. Random Post and Popular Post 

Showing Random and Popular post on the sidebar also increase the visibility of your old post. Popular post shows the most popular posts of your blog you can manage the popularity on weekly monthly or all-time basis, besides random post on the sidebar is perfect to improve visibility of post,. It shows your post randomly which offers at every page refresh user will see some different old post.

4. Create Archives

A Good Archives page is must for every blog, no matter how many posts you have achieved page helps your readers to find posts on your blog, archives are just like a library of your post where you can find your all posts in alphabetical, yearly or monthly.

5. Tweet Old Post 

Tweet Old Post plugin helps you to get some social exposure from your old posts automatically, plugin tweets your old post and helps to improve their visibility with the audience or with your twitter followers.

Tweet old Post is a free plugin. So. you can use this plugin on your blog without any difficulty before it was creating problems in tweets but the new updated version is working perfectly.

6. Link your Current post to Old Posts 

Another Decent way to keep your old post alive is Internal Linking of your post, we always write posts which are related to our old post directly or indirectly.

So, when we put a link to an old post in our current post, we post gets some new readers and visits. So linking your content is a must.

It also helps you to reduce bounce rate and internal linking is a prime factor of Page rank so it will help you to improve your Page rank also.

7. Create Lists Of Your Best Old Post

Creating a List of posts is also a good way, if you have some decent post related to a particular topic then create a list include all those posts and publish the list as a new blog post. I hope these simple tips will help you to keep your old content alive.


As I have mentioned all the tips of On-page SEO for BlogSpot now you can fully optimize your blog to generate organic traffic. if you want to increase more website traffic keep on looking at other posts of this blog.

If this Blogger tutorial helped you then you must share it in a way to say thanks. Happy Blogging❤.